Inattention festival - Glassbox Paris
Julien Discrit
24 - 26th June 2016

Inattention festival in Paris
Opening friday 24 june at Glassbox from 7pm to 9pm
24 au 26 juin 2016 at Glassbox and surroundings
from fri. to sun. 2pm to 7pm
Artists : Céline Ahond - Alice Didier Champagne et Paul Maheke Ngamaha - Julien Discrit - Mark Geffriaud - Thomas Geiger - Ann Guillaume - Florence Jung - Myriam Lefkowitz - Flora Moscovici -Jeanne Moynot - Jeff Perkins - Fabrice Reymond - Zoé de Soumagnat - Anne-Sophie Turion - Capucine Vever
Curated by Sophie Lapalu
More informations (only French) :