Collecting in the 21st century
14th December 2019 - 15th March 2020

Collecting in the 21st century
If an accumulation reflects a life
De leur temps (6)
Collection Lambert
14th december 2019 – 15 march 2020
'If an accumulation reflects a life?
The quality of that accumulation reflects the quality of that life?'
Lawrence Weiner
Since 2004, the Association for the international dissemination of French art (ADIAF) has been organising a triennial exhibition entitled “De leur temps” displaying a selection of recent purchases by French collector-members of the association. A testimony of private collectors’ commitment to the artistic creation of their times, this exhibition presents a panorama of the research done by passionate collectors who are sensitive to various aspects of contemporary art.
For more information, click here.
Image: Julien Discrit, Chant du merle noir, 2016