L'île aux cochons
Julien Discrit
28th January 2020 - 25th March 2020

L’île aux cochons
FRAC Lorraine Outdoors
January 28, to March 25 2020
Salles Echo d’art et D204
Avenue du Général de Gaulle,
55300 Saint-Mihiel
Paradoxical fascination for pirates, characters as admirable for their freedom, as powerful and despicable for their violence, misogyny and alocholism. The works presented in this group show offer new ways of representing the world.
For more info, click here.
Image: Julien Discrit, Terrae incognitae - Île aux Cochons, 2010-2013, Courtesy of the artist and Collection 49 Nord 6 Est Frac Lorraine, Metz ©Rémi Villaggi.