De leur temps (7), Un regard sur des collections privées
28th January 2023 - 23rd April 2023

De leur temps (7) Un regard sur des collections privées, Group exhibition with works by Massinissa Selmani
Curator, Keren Detton and Michel Poitevin
January 28 to April 23, 2023
As part of the 7th edition of the ADIAF triennial exhibition « De leur temps », a work by Massinissa Selmani will be on display in the Frac Grand Large. The exhibition presents a new overview of French contemporary art collections through a selection of recently acquired works. This is a unique panel of recent purchases by French collectors, this exhibition testifies of their vitality and their passion for art « De leur temps » or "of their time".
Frac Grand Large - Adiaf
503 av. des Bancs de Flandres
59140 Dunkerque
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