Decebal Scriba
7th June 2023 - 29th July 2023

Centrul de Interes - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Curator of the exhibition: Ami Barak
From June 7th to July 29th, 2023
Find a set of artworks by Decebal Scriba on the occasion of the exhibition Diasporic at the Centrul de Interes in Cluj-Napoca under the curatorship of Ami Barak.
With Adel Abdessemed, Mircea Cantor, Gaëlle Choisne, Latifa Echakhch, Hana Miletić, Melik Ohanian, Ana Prvački, Decebal Scriba, Daniel Otero-Torres.
Visual : Decebal Scriba, Unfolding, 1982, serie "Body Sign"
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