19th October 2023 - 21st January 2024

The CO-EXTENSIVE exhibition is based primarily on two moments: the first is the observation that images (in the broad sense of the word, from the thousands of pictures that everyone has on their phone to social media to artworks) are a permanent part of the everyday experience of the world. The ubiquity of imagery has a number of implications that are not always easy to see. The key ones include the flattening of the experience of the world and the dominance of illusion in shared space. Representation brings about great openness to modification and manipulation, and so what often looks like an accurate representation of reality may not refer to anything real. Reality is covered with a layer of representation, often fictitious, and so is not easy to get to it.
With: Marion Baruch, Larry Bell, Michał Budny, Angela Bulloch, Simon Callery, Ann Veronica Janssens, Anthony McCall, Jaromír Novotný, Robert Šalanda.
Curator: Filip Šenk.
Marion Baruch, Le philosophe de Lucerne, 2015, fabric, 420 x 130 cm.