Marion Baruch
Marion Baruch is a significant artist, 90 years of age, whose work has recently been rediscovered for its true worth. It has recently been the subject of an international retrospective which was inaugurated at the Kunstmuseum of Luzern and continued in France at the Magasin des Horizons in Grenoble, at the Abattoirs in Toulouse, in Norway, Romania, Italy and Israel.
Born in 1929 in Romania, she now lives and works in Italy. She proposes a feminine, socially engaged and audacious work which constantly aims to question its own status by exploring endlessly new dimensions sometimes found at the margin of the art scene through the use of performance, installation and sculptures characterized by political and poetical anti-establishment positions. Her recent work pursues this dialectic research between art and society. Using left-overs from the textile industry, these fabric sculptures introduce a dialogue between two immaterial forces: space and memory. Dialogue as a form of creation; waste as a potential object; emptiness as a shape of the possible, and mediation as an act of creation are some of the rules of the game that Marion Baruch has always faithfully observed. In this way, the artist addresses themes related to body, production world and resources consumption.
Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome, Italy
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design of Jerusalem
Bucharest Academy of fine arts
Solo exhibitions (selection)
Un passo avanti, tanti dietro, Museo Novecento, Firenze, Italy
Marion Baruch, Viasaterna, Milan, Italy
Marion Baruch, Neuer Aachner Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany
Marion Baruch, Social Fabric – HLHE Dialog, Krefeld, Germany
Everything Begins with Nature and Ends at the Supermarket, LRRH_AERIAL, Düsseldorf, Germany
Marion Baruch : Endless Going Trying To Say, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania
Bomba, curated by Noah Stolz and Nicola Trezzi, CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Marion Baruch, Décalage, curated by Ilse Lafer and Noah Stolz, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig, Germany
Art Basel «Encounters », Hong Kong (Urs Meile gallery)
Art Basel « Unlimited », Basel, Switzerland (Urs Meile gallery)
Marion Baruch, Museo MA*GA, Gallarate, Italy
Achu Pnimi (Inner Meadow), Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
Marion Baruch, Muzeul de Arta, Timisoara, Romania
Marion Baruch: une retrospective, wandering retrospective exhibition, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse France
Endless going trying to say, wandering retrospective exhibition, Magasin des horizons, Grenoble, France
Pré, près, prêt, pré, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Marion Baruch, Retrospektive-Innenausseninnen, wandering exhibition, Kunstmuseum Luzern curated by Fanni Fetzer and Noah Stolz, Luzern, Switzerland
Letting go endless blooming, Galerie Urs Miele, Lucerne, Switzerland
Résonances, Galerie Laurence Bernard, Geneva, Switzerland
Natura Abitata, La BF15, curated by Perrine Lacroix, Lyon, France
La rencontre de Madame Marion Baruch et Monsieur Al Held, Galerie Ziegler, Zurich, Switzerland
Structured Detour, la Rada, Locarno, Switzerland
Marion Baruch, Abbracio le spazio e lo attraverso, curator Noah Stolz, Museo Arte Gallarate (MA*GA), Gallarate, Italy
Marion Baruch e Allessandro Teoldi, Viasaterna, Milan, Italy
Fanni Fetzer vous propose Marion Baruch, jevouspropose, Zurich, Switzerland
Solo show, Back to the future, Artissima, Turin, Italy
Le parti pris des nuages, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Le temps éclaté par la profondeur du vide, curator : Noah Stolz, Galerie Laurence Bernard, Geneva, Switzerland
Eingang, In & Out, Up & Down, Durch und Durch, curator : Noah Stolz,Galerie BolteLang, Zurich, Switzerland
Le Printemps de Toulouse, curator : Christian Bernard, L'adresse du Printemps, Toulouse, France
De jour en jour, curator : Nathalie Viot, Château de Degrés, Gragnague, France
Mancanza / Here and Where, Otto Zoo, Milan, Italy
Marion Bruch – Teatro della memoria, Teatro del Popolo, Gallarate, Italy
Marion Baruch, Sculpture Ambiente, Mars, Milan, Italy
Lampi di memoria, Des histoires sans fin, MAMCO, Geneva, Switzerland
START-Marion Baruch, NeufCube, Paris, France
PARISchutes, Théâtre Le Vent se lève, Paris, France
La plage de soleil dans une chambre vide, Paris, France
Une chambre vide, Galerie du Buisson, Paris, France
Mon corps où es-tu ?, 32 rue Sorbier, Paris, France
Bibliobus, Centre d'art contemporain Cimaises et Portique, Albi, France
Avis de passage, ODDC, St-Brieuc, France
Interplace Access, Viafarini, project by Tatiana Trouvé, Milan, Italy
Prénom d'artiste, Studio Morra, Naples, Italy
Cafeteria NAME DIFFUSION, Galleria Luciano Inga-Pin, Milan, Italy
Mattia knows it, Galleria Luciano Inga-Pin, Milan, Italy
Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Baruch + Fronzoni: Contenitore-Ambiente, Centre Domus, Milan, Italy
La Cupola, Rome, Italy
Micra Studio, Tel Aviv, Italy
Group exhibitions (selection)
ARCO Madrid, Madrid, Spain
La rose bleue, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Le ciel est joli comme un ange, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Material Manipulations, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich, Switzerland
L'ombre, le reflet, l'écho. Quand le MAMAC s'installe chez les Lascaris, Nice, France
Co-extensive, Gallery Rudolfinum, Praha, Czech Republic
Art Textile, Curator: Dr. Barbara Martin, Kunsthalle Vogelmann, Heilbronn and Kunsthalle Emden, Germany
Constellations, musée de Céret, Céret, France
Unexpected Encounters: New Perspectives on the Collection, curated by Gianni Jetzer and Melanie Bühler, Kunst Museum St Gallen, Switzerland
The Soft Revolution, WTA World Textile Art's Italian Exhbition, Museo del Tessile, Busta Arsizio VA, Italy
Paura della libertà, Museo Temporaneo Navile, Bologna, Italy
Charpentes épanouies, Maison des arts de Grand Quevilly, Le Grand-Quevilly, France
Fragments d'un discours esthétique, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Kaléidoscope du réel, exposition collective, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Structures of Radical Will, Fondation CAB, Bruxelles, Belgique
Les Partis pris d'Anne-Sarah Bénichou, curated by Henri Guette, Festival International du Livre et du Film d'art, Perpignan, France
2021 = 5, exhibition celebrating the 5th birthday of the gallery, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Projet Restons Unis, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France
accrochage italien, Galerie Natalie Seroussi, Paris, France
She-Bam Pow POP Wizz ! Les amazones du POP (1961-1973), MAMC, Nice, France
Rumeurs & Légendes, curated by Hélène Leroy, Jessica Castex and Anne Dressen, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
Gigantisme - Art et Industrie, Triennale 2019, curated by Keren Detton, Grégory Lang, Géraldine Courbe and Sophie Warlop, Frac Grand Large - Hauts de France, Dunkirk, France
Suffis-toi d'un buis, Ménagerie de Verre, Paris, France
Le pressentiment de mon indiscipline, dialogue autour de la ligne avec Bernar Venet, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Performativity, Centrale Fies, Dro, Italy
Ici Eden, Galerie Laurence Bernard, Geneva, Switzerland
Présence, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
La vie moderne, curated by François Michaud and Fanny Schulmann, Musée d'Art moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris, France
Indus 3, Art:Concept, Paris, France
Doing Deculturalization, Museion, Bolzano, Italy
La rencontre de Madame Marion Baruch et Monsieur Al Held, Galerie Ziegler SA, Zurich, Switzerland
L'Atlas des nuages, Schneider Foundation, Watwiller, France
Formes d'histoire, Les Tanneries-Centre d'art contemporain, Amilly, France
Marion Baruch e Alessandre Teoldi, Viasaterna, Milan, Italy
Interferencias. Colección del MAMCO de Ginebra en el MNBA, Bienalsur, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires
Three years anniversary, Galerie Laurence Bernard, Geneva, Switzerland
La ruche et la valise, Villa Bernasconi, Art Center, Grand-Lancy, Switzerland
Life A User's Manual, Art Encounters, Contemporary Art Biennial, Timisoara, Romania
Entangled : Threads & Making, Turner Contemporary of Margate, Kent, United Kingdom
Attitude / Sculpture #2, Galerie Eduardo Secci, Florence, Italy
Locus Amoenus, C.A.R.S., Museo Tornielli, Ameno, Italy
Time is out of joint, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Roma, Italy
21st Century. Design after Design. W. Women in Italian Design, 21st Triennale di Milano, Design Museum, Milan, Italy
Sviluppo-Parallelo, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland
Autoritratti: Iscrizioni del femminile nell'arte italiana contemporanea, MAMbo, Bologna, Italy
La trame di Penelope, Erica Borhi, Alice Cattaneo, Name Diffusion, Opere e Workshop, MA*GA, Gallarate, Italy
Naissances, Musée de l'homme, Paris, France
Mobilités, Maison des sciences de l'Homme, Paris, France
Lines of Mobility, Kunstverein Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany
Contemporaines, genre et représentation, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Bibliobus, Centre d'art contemporain Cimaises et Portique, Albi, France
Micropolitiques, Le MAGASIN de Grenoble, Center for contemporary art, Grenoble, France
Moneynations 2, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
Le temps déborde, part of the project Identités multiples by Synesthésie, Blanc-Mesnil Cultural Forum, Blanc-Mesnil, France
Uman Tunnel, collective project for Oreste, Venice Biennale 1999, Venice, Italy
moneynations@access, Shedhall, Zürich, Switzerland
Technoculture, Fri Art, Freiburg, Switzerland
Exogen Nicolaj, Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ad on exchange, Zingmagazine, New York, United States
Doppio Morgen, Galleria Luciano Inga-Pin, Milan, Italy
Escape Attempts, Compartments, Curated by collectif Globe, Cristiania, Copenhagen, Denmark
Le piace Internet?, Teatro Miela, Trieste, Italy
Natura Naturans, Museo di Storia Naturale, Trieste, Italy
Geld.beat.synthetik, Aesthetic of truth, ID-archiv edition, Berlin, Germany
Interplace access, Viafarini, Milan, Italy
Forum Féminin/Masculin, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Féminin/Masculin, Istituto Italiano di cultura, Paris, France
When Tekkno Turns to Sound of Poetry, Kunst Werke, Berlin, Germany
50èmeAnniversaire des Comités d'Entreprise, La Villette, Paris, France
Messe 2 ok. Talking the economic ökonoMiese machen, Messe Köln, Cologne, Germany
Femmes Publiques, Palais de la Femme, Paris (cat), France
Pro-Création, Fri-Art Kunsthalle, Freiburg (cat), Switzerland
Ars-Lux, Made in Bo, Bologna (cat), Italy
Serial, Kruggase 8. Zürich; Labor Kunsthalle St. Gallen, Switzerland
Business Art/Art Business, Groninger Museum, Groningen, Netherlands
Marchio di Fabbrica, Tecnopolis, Bari (cat), Italy
Avantgarde & Kampagne, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (cat), Germany
Fin de siècle, Galleria Luciano Inga-Pin, Milan, Italy
Saremarte, SMAU, Milano, Italy
Briefing, Gallera Luciano Inga-Pin, Milan, Italy
Art Basel – Art Cologne, Galleria Luciano Inga-Pin, Milan, Italy
Young Sculpture Show, Paris, France
III Mostra Internazionae du Scultura, Museum of Modern Art, Pagani Foundation, Castellanza, Italy
1° Mostra Nazionale Universitaria di Pittura, Bari, Italy
Artistic activities and interventions (selection)
2005 - today
Tapis volant, collective artistic action, Marion Baruch, Arben Iljazi, Myriam Rambach, at Boissy Saint-Léger and Musée de l'Homme, Paris, France
Fête des Langues d'ici, Synesthésie, Fabrique de couleurs, Montreuil, France
Un soir dans le jardin des Langues, ECObox, Paris, France
Palabres, Contemporaines, Synesthésie, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Eurovision 2000, Brussels, Belgium
Bordercartograph, Sortie du Net, Synesthésie, Aubervilliers, France
Just Watch, Shedhalle, Zürich, Switzerland
Internet projects (selection)
Les langues d'ici avec ceux qui les parlent, Synesthésie :
Ta langue est belle comme la mienne :
Dialogue avec Djilali Benamrane et Thuy Tien Ho autour des radios rurales paritaires, Synesthésie :
Violence Online Festival :
bibliomail :
Displacement for:
Je suis une sans-papière :
Dossier en Synesthésie :
Bordercartograph, Liste de diffusion :
Gene Ban:
Code your soul:
Public collections (selection)
Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Lissone, Italy
CNAP, Centre national des arts plastiques, Paris, France
Contemporary Art Museum, Roma, Italy
FNAC, Fonds national d'art contemporain, Paris, France
Groninger Museum, Groningen, Netherlands
Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland
Les Abattoirs, Museum - FRAC Occitanie, Reginal Fund for Contemporary Art, Toulouse, France
Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Bolzano Italy
MAGA, Gallarate Art Museum, Gallarate, Italy
MAMBO, Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Bologna, Italy
MAMCO, Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Geneva, Switzerland
MAM, Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris, Paris France
MRAC Occitanie, Regional Museum of Contemporary Art, Sérignan, France
Migros Museum of Contemporary Art, Zürich, Switzerland
Art Collection Roche, Basel, Switzerland