Maxime Verdier
Maxime Verdier was born in Dieppe in 1991. He lives and works in Paris.
After graduating from L'École Supérieure d'Art et Design Le Havre-Rouen, he entered the Beaux-Arts de Paris, from which he graduated in 2017 with honors. Noticed at the 64th edition of the Salon de Montrouge, Maxime Verdier has participated in numerous group exhibitions in France. In 2021, he has been resident at the Drawing Factory in Paris.
His work is the embodiment in sculpture and drawing of a range of memories, emotions and events that are as striking as they are anecdotal. From these combinations of references and meanings result chimeras, both fairytale-like and disquieting, exhuming intimate stories by making the invisible visible.
Through the juxtaposition and confrontation of the real and the onirism, of the lived and the phantasmagorical, or the dream and the nightmare, his work summons multiple universes and is accompanied from then on by a certain strangeness.
In 2023, he designed the poster for Roland-Garros, entitled Terre d'étoiles.
Obtaining the DNSAP with the congratulations of the Jury at the Beaux-arts of Paris
Obtaining the DNSEP with the congratulations of the jury at ESADHAR in Rouen
Obtaining the DNAP at the ESADHAR in Rouen
Solo shows
Un monde dans un grain de sable, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
L'orée des rêves, Frac Picardie, Amiens, France
Soleil noir, Frac Normandie, Caen, France
Doppelgänger, Le Point Commun, Annecy, France
La lueur de l'air, Anne-Sarah Bénichou gallery, Paris, France
SpottiOttieDopalicious, Médium Argent, Rouen, France
Group shows (selection)
Facéties, Les Jardiniers, Montrouge, France
La rose bleue, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Hasards exquis, une exposition pissenlit, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Enter the zone, Galerie Double V, Marseille, France
Drawing Now, Galerie Anne- Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Le ciel est joli comme un ange, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Sonnez-Trompette ! Frac Normandie, Centre culturel Les Fosses d'Enfer, Saint-Rémy-sur-Orne, France
Family and friends 2/ Ten years after, Galerie Backslash, Paris, France
L'amie.e modèle, curated by Mathieu Mercier, MUCEM, Marseille, France
Pleins Feux, commissariat Léa Hodencq, La Chapelle - Centre d'art contemporain, Clairefontaine-en-Yvelines, France
Se laisser prendre au jeu, Le Radar espace d'art actuel, Bayeux, France
J'ai l'impression que nous ne sommes plus au Kansas, Galerie Duchamp, Yvetot, France
Le jour n'est pas si loin, Manifesta, Lyon, France
2021 = 5, exhibition celebrating the 5th birthday of the gallery, Anne-Sarah Bénichou gallery, Paris, France
French Cliché, l'Appartement, Joyce Gallery, Paris, France
Bézoard, duo show with Damien Levy, Perpitch & Bringand gallery, Paris, France
64th edition of the Salon de Montrouge, Beffroi de Montrouge, Montrouge, France
100% l'Expo, Grandes Halles de la Villette, Paris, France
Félicità 2018 – Graduate exhibition, Beaux-Arts of Paris, Paris, France
Exhibition Paris/Glasgow, Campus in the Highlands and Islands, Forres, Scotland
Atelier Rochette Open Doors, curated by Mathieu Mercier, Beaux-Arts of Paris, France
R.A.S – Graduate exhibition of the Beaux-Arts, Grandes Galeries, Rouen, France
Bibliologie, curated by Jérôme Dupeyrat, FRAC Haute-Normandie, Rouen, France
CATHEDRALES, 1914-2014, ESADHAR of Rouen, Rouen, France
CATHÉDRALES, 1789-1914, Un mythe moderne, Museum of Fine arts, Rouen, France
La Linerie, La Linerie, Crosville sur Scie, France
Autour du poteau, Störk gallery, Rouen, France
Ma Maison, MAM gallery, Rouen, France
Iconoclasse, Yvetot, France
Drawing Factory, Paris, France
Fellowships and awards
Roland-Garros poste : "Terre d'étoiles"
Project to support creation « Après », TRAM Réseau art contemporain Paris/Île-de-France : selected by the Beaux-Arts of Paris, July 2020
Prize of the friends of the Palais de Tokyo: preselected, October 2019
Professor at the Nouvelle Académie des pratiques amateurs des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Press and Interviews
Point contemporain, Maxime Verdier, June 2023
Beaux-Arts Magazine, Qui est Maxime Verdier, l'artiste qui signe la nouvelle affiche de Roland-Garros ?, by Maïlys Celeux-Lanval, February 2023
Beaux-Arts Magazine, Dessiner des mondes nouveaux, about the new trends of contemporary drawing, by Judicaël Lavrador. Magazine cover, May 2022
Beaux-Arts Magazine, Maxime Verdier : monstres et mignonnerie, by Maïlys Celeux-Lanval, April 2022
Réseau TRAM and Art NewsPaper Daily, July 2020
Text by Anne-Sarah Bénichou for the 64th Salon de Montrouge, April 2019
Interview by Léo Panico-Djoued, Portrait d'Artiste, for the 64th Salon de Montrouge, April 2019
Maxime Verdier by David Oggioni, Artaïs, January 2019
Felicità 2018 – Texte by Anne-Lou Vicente, June 2018