
Juliette Minchin was born in 1992, she lives and works in Paris.

Graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in scenography and the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Juliette Minchin practices sculpture, installation, video and drawing. She is working with matter, light, sense of smell and sound. In her work, she explores concepts related to cyclic time and transformation, her use of natural materials (plaster, earth, wax or liquid) gives her sculptures an organic dimension whose surface is close in its aspect to the skin.



École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (ENSBA), graduated with the Félicitations of the Jury

École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris (ENSAD), Stage Design Section, graduated with the Félicitations of the Jury

Stay at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in Fine Arts, New-York

Solo shows (selection)

Rivelazioni Oniriche, Museo Sant'Orsola, Florence, Italy
Art Basel, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Basel, Switzerland
Art Brussels, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Brussels, Belgium
Passages, Roof-A Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Bouquet, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
La Croix, veillée aux épines as part of the "Mondes nouveaux" Project of the french Ministry of Culture, Abbaye de Beaulieu en Rouergue, Ginals, France

De Cinere Surgo, Palazzo Costantino, Palermo, Italy
Prima Materia, Galerie Dilecta, Paris, France
Melting Chamber, vitrine Selfridges, Londres, United-Kingdom

Re-fonte, performance in the Cour de la Monnaie de Paris, Paris, France

La danse des pots, immersive installation and sculptures, Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris
ChaOSmos, video-mapping projected on the Cité de la Musique for the Nuit Blanche, Paris, France

La dépense, diploma project, immersive installation in situ, EnsAD, Paris, France
6750 cm3, diploma project, Beaux-Arts de Paris, France

Temps Variable, risque d'averses, immersive installation, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), Paris, France

Group Shows (selection)

Par quatre chemins, Château La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, France

La rose bleue, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
Hasards exquis, une exposition pissenlit, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France

Liquide, Liquide, Patinoire de Saint-Ouen, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, France
L'été, Dilecta, Paris, France
Symbiosium, Cosmogonies Spéculatives
by the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles/Paris, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
Voyage dans le dessin,
Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, France
La Casa
curator Chiara Parisi, Yvannoé Kruger et Carré sur Seine, Poush, Aubervilliers, France

Fragments d'un discours esthétique, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Paris, france
Toucher terre, l'art de la sculpture céramique, Villa Datris, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France

Re-fonte, performance in the Cour de la Monnaie de Paris, France
« Sans Relâche »,VIP tour, FIAC, Paris, France
So close 2, Galerie Guido Romero Pierini, Galerie Joseph, Paris, France
Lisières, Poush Manifesto, Clichy, France
L'hectare et la grenouille, espace Voltaire, Paris, France
Palermo Art Week-end, Palermo, Italy
Biennale BiS, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
Solstice, LAPS, Verdun, France
Biennale Heilige Driehoek HOOP, Oosterhout, Netherlands

Garden Party Urbex, Centre d'art chapelle, Clairefontaine, France
So close, Galerie Guido Romero Pierini, Galerie Joseph, Paris, France
L'épaisseur du temps, Galerie Graf Notaires, Paris, France

Felicità, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris, France
Finale, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris, France
Gazette & Yvette, Hôtel de l'industrie, Paris, France

Fellowships & Awards

Melting Chamber, Selfridge showcase, London

Winner of "Mondes Nouveaux" prize launched by the French Ministry of Culture
Winner of the Rencontres de Carré sur Seine prize
Winner of the competition launched by the Beaux-Arts de Paris for the replacement of a bas-relief in the Chapelle des Beaux-Arts de Paris

Winner of the competition launched by Athem for a mapping project for the Nuit Blanche based on the work Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce

Winner of the competition launched by Sonia Rykiel for the 50th anniversary: project carried out on the frontage and the showcase of Boulevard Saint Germain, concept declined in 25 stores abroad


Residence at Poush Manifesto, Clichy, France

Residence at l'Atelier Panormos, Palermo, Italy

Catalogues, publications, press

Mondes Nouveaux, Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions, 2023
Pretty brillant women in the arts
, curated by Catherine de Zegher (Vol. II), See All This Art Magazine, autumn/winter 2022 / 2023
Toucher terre, l'art de la sculpture céramique, exhibition catalogue, Fondation Villa Datris, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, 2022
Laps, exhibition catalogue by Aurélien Fouillet, Marie Gayet and Fanny Serain, Citadelle Haute, Verdun, 2022

« La Veillée au candélou », text by Florian Gaité, 2021
Weekblad, Oosterhout, Biennale HOOP, 2021
DAMN n°78, 2021
Le Point contemporain, sept 2021
Nice matin, 27 juin 2021
ArtPress, « 2e Biennale Internationale de Saint-Paul de Vence » Connaissance des Arts, 2021
«  lauréats pour la Chapelle des Beaux-Arts de Paris », Beaux-Arts de Paris, 2021
« Cire perdue », Boum Bang, Elora Weill-Engerer, 2020
Juliette Minchin, Yellow Over Purple, Marianne Dollo, 2020
Félicità, text by Anaïd Demir, ed. Beaux-Arts de Paris, 2019
Brabant cultureel, « Biennale HOOP », Hendrik Driessen, 2019
Finale, text by Anaïd Demir, ed. Beaux-Arts de Paris, 2018
« In Nod to 68 Roots, Sonia Rykiel », WWD magazine, 2018


Mac Val, Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Société générale